Seasonal Wishes from the EANS President Andreas Demetriades

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As we reach the end of 2022 and prepare to welcome 2023, I would like to personally wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2022 will be remembered as a challenging, yet reviving year for all of us. Following 2 pandemic years, 2022 signalled our return to normality, and to what we used to know as life and work before the arrival of COVID-19. In 2022 we shook hands again, we travelled, we danced, we hugged, we met again in-person. We also faced -and keep facing- an unjust war and a global energy crisis, which we all hope and wish that will end soon and allow the people of Ukraine to rebuild their country and reclaim their lives back. As EANS, we stand by them and support their efforts for sovereignty and justice.

2022 was an extremely successful year for EANS, and we couldn’t be prouder about it. Our educational portfolio grew larger and more diverse, as we organized more educational events than ever and touched a range of new topics, taught by elite scientists of European Neurosurgery. Our Training Courses & Exams, our Hands-on Courses and Accredited Events, our Webinars, all these constitute the backbone of our educational portfolio, which will be even wider in 2023. Of course, the annual EANS Congress remains the highlight of our activities, and we are eager to welcome everyone in Barcelona for the EANS2023 Congress, having set extremely high standards after a spectacular EANS2022 Congress in Belgrade.

But this is not all. EANS keeps growing and launching activities and projects towards the betterment of European Neurosurgery education and training. Our Brain & Spine Journal, co-owned with EUROSPINE and recently indexed in PubMed, our newly established EANS Foundation, our re-branded Academy, and many more projects that lie under the EANS umbrella, are all worked with a common goal – Better Education, better Training, better European Neurosurgery.

I would like to thank the amazing EANS Office Team for all their hard work in 2022, the EANS Office Holders for their dedication and contribution to the EANS activities, and of course our National Societies and Individual Members for their continuous undeniable support and activities.

We now enter 2023 with more dreams, harder work, and higher targets to achieve. We further expand our training and educational portfolio; we launch new projects and we set new goals – all of them serving our 2023 Congress Moto: “Neurosurgery & Technology at the service of Humanity”. We invite you to join us and become part of the EANS family.

I would like to extend my wishes for a happy, peaceful, successful, and joyful 2023 to you and your loved ones.

Best regards,
Andreas Demetriades
EANS President

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