WFNS 2023 Newsletter 10/22

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Submission Deadline: 9 June 2023 at 6pm CEST

The World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) is pleased to invite abstracts for the 18th World Congress of Neurosurgery (WFNS 2023) in Cape Town, South Africa.

The submission deadline for abstracts is 9 June 2023. Notification of abstract status will be emailed by 24 July 2023.

Read on for more detail, download the Call for Abstracts as a PDF, or visit the website to submit an abstract.

General Guidelines

  • Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
  • You should only submit work if you, or a designee, are committed to registering for and attending the Congress to give your Oral or ePoster presentation.
  • Registration is not mandatory in the submission process; however, all Presenting Authors must register for the Congress by 15 September 2023, otherwise the abstract will not be included in the final Congress programme.
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may submit, however, the Abstract Selection Committee aims to achieve a wide geographic spread of presenters.
  • There are 2 presentation types: Oral and ePoster. You may indicate your preference, but the Abstract Selection Committee will make the final format determination.
  • All abstracts must have conclusions/results completed by the submission deadline. Abstracts describing data that has not yet been collected and/or analysed as of the submission deadline will be rejected.
  • Abstracts cannot contain advertising, trade names, or product group messages. Please use generic names or terms in your abstract content.

Information Required to Complete a Submission

  • Submitting Author: The author that submits the abstract, to whom all correspondence will be addressed and sent. The Submitting Author is assumed to be the Presenting Author unless otherwise indicated.
  • Title 
  • Keywords (maximum 4)
  • Abstract body (maximum 300 words, including the following sections)
    • Objectives: At least 2 clear and measurable objectives
    • Background: A brief statement on why the study was conducted
    • Methods: The methods of study or experimental approach must be briefly defined
    • Results: A summary of the study results, including sufficient detail to support the conclusions
    • Conclusions: A statement explaining the significance of the study and its implications for further research
  •  Authors: Include full names with institution and country
  • Preferred Presentation Type: You may indicate your preferred presentation type– Oral or ePoster – but the Abstract Selection Committee will make the final format determination 
  • Disclose conflict of interest and accept terms and conditions
  • Choose a topic: 
    • Education, Ethics, Socioeconomic
    • Endovascular Neurosurgery
    • Epilepsy
    • Functional
    • Global Neurosurgery
    • Hydrocephalus
    • Neurovascular Surgery
    • Oncology
    • Paediatric
    • Peripheral
    • Skull Base
    • Spine
    • Trauma


Abstracts may be edited until the submission deadline. After that, no changes in content or co-authors may be made. Once the review process begins, no changes to submissions are allowed – no exceptions.

Please note that any typographical or spelling errors, improperly formatted titles, etc., WILL NOT be edited by anyone at the WFNS. It is the responsibility of the Submitting Author to review and verify all work submitted.

Abstract Selection

Abstracts will be reviewed and scored by independent reviewers to ensure that high-quality scientific submissions are selected for presentation at the Congress. The following criteria will be used to score abstracts:

  • Significance of the abstract for neurosurgery
  • Innovativeness of ideas, methods, and/or approach
  • Rigour of methods and approach (analytical design for research, systematic approach for practice and/or policy)
  • Presentation of empirical findings (not applicable if abstract does not present empirical research)
  • Implications identified for future research, practice, and/or policy
  • Clarity of writing

Notification of the Abstract Selection Committee’s decision will be sent by 24 July 2023 via email to the Submitting Author, regardless of the outcome.

Registration/Attendance Requirement

The Presenting Author (Oral or ePoster) must register for and attend the Congress. Registration must be completed by 15 September 2023. If a Presenting Author does not register by the deadline, all accepted abstracts by that Presenting Author will be removed from the programme.

If the originally designated Presenting Author is unable to attend the Congress, a “Change of Presenting Author Form” (request from must be completed and submitted by 15 September 2023.
The new Presenting Author must then fulfil the registration requirement, or the abstract will be removed from the programme. No changes will be made without receipt of the completed Change of Presenting Author Form, including updated disclosure information.
After the changes, all correspondence will then be addressed and sent to the new Presenting Author.